European Union

December 7, 2022

EU Minimum Wage Will Harm Subsidiarity And Low-income Earners

The briefing reviews the newly passed directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU and investigates its potential negative impacts on traditional collective bargaining agreements and low-income groups.
July 6, 2022

Fast Tracking Ukraine

Granting candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova in June 2022 was an important and worthwhile step taken by the EU. Yet, as currently devised, the accession process is long, complex, process-oriented, and ridden with uncertainties.
June 15, 2022

Only A Sith Deals In Absolutes: How To Nudge The Taxonomy Towards Light Side

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced the European Union and its member states to substantially revise their energy policy in order to meet short-term targets such as the security of supplies and the reduction of reliance on Russian imports of energy commodities.
March 22, 2022

The Minimum Corporate Tax Directive And EU Challenges Today

At the end of 2021, the European Commission released a “Proposal for a council directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational groups in the Union.”