European Union

September 13, 2023

The Eternal Battle between Ideology and Expertise

In politics and policymaking, controversies and conflicts arise often. The term denotes situations where even knowledgeable, rational, and sincere actors struggle to resolve an issue purely by examining the available expertise.
July 26, 2023

Copying Denmark’s Nordic Neighbours

This briefing summarises a recent analysis by the CEPOS, which investigates how Denmark can become one of the economically freest countries in the world by adopting a framework similar to other Nordic countries.
June 26, 2023

Overlooked Benefits of the Current EU Institutional Set-up

In my opinion, we often overlook the benefits of the current EU. It is based on constitutional frameworks that, to a very large extent, meet the criteria for a good constitution – as we know them from constitutional economics.
May 3, 2023

Telecoms And Innovation

Until recently, the telecommunications market was held up as an EU success story, with Europeans emerging as the big winners. European consumers were indeed the great beneficiaries of competition, which went hand in hand with low prices.