economic growth

July 8, 2024

Why European Firms Can’t Compete with SpaceX

I came across a statement that surprised me with its boldness. It claimed that in 2008, the economic strength of the eurozone was roughly at par with that of the US. Additionally, today – 16 years later – the economic strength of the US is twice as much as that of the eurozone.
January 12, 2021

Who is Your Nanny?

Some countries allow you to buy a beer at any time day or night. Others have total prohibition. The enormous differences in the way governments around the world treat alcohol make it an unlikely candidate for global regulation, but the World Health Organisation wants to have a go anyway.
December 1, 2020

The Best Choice for the US Economy

The American presidential election was really about choosing the lesser of two evils. The combination of Biden as president and a Republican majority in the Senate may very well end up being the best possible political outcome – not just for the US but also the rest of us.
November 11, 2020

Getting Quickly Out of Crises – What Do We Know?

Coronavirus has resulted in a major economic crisis, and caused immense damage to both the economy and people’s lives. This damage is both a result of voluntary social distancing and the draconian measures most Western governments have put in place in an effort to limit the spread of the virus.
November 3, 2020

Crypto-assets in European Markets – a Strategy for the Future

The European Commission recently published a Digital Finance Strategy which includes concrete propositions for the regulation of crypto-assets. This is the first time a comprehensive legal framework for distributed ledger technology (DLT) and crypto-assets has been announced by the EU.
October 28, 2020

Towards a More Autonomous EU

The European Council President Charles Michel envisions a more “autonomous” (i.e. economically self-sufficient) EU. However, this pursuit of economic independence, under the guise of ‘strategic autonomy’, is not only unnecessary but also comes with costs: the impediment of global free trade and increased costs for consumers.