corporate tax

February 20, 2019

Corporate Tax Out of Control

Do European companies pay their fair share of tax? Many companies headquartered in France, Germany, Italy and Spain show very low effective corporate tax rates (ECTRs). Their effective tax rates are often much lower than those of digital corporations, including the largest tech companies headquartered in the United States.
November 23, 2015

Corporate Taxation Slows Down Economic Recovery in France

In its latest study (in English and French), the Institut Économique Molinari shows that corporate taxation continues to slow down economic recovery in France despite the CICE, a tax credit meant to encourage competitiveness and employment.
December 16, 2014

Updating the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

The Commission should work to preserve the highest degree of tax competition between Member States. The CCCTB poses the danger of fundamentally hindering this vital feature of the internal market, and should therefore be reconsidered.