
April 2, 2024

Understanding the Popularity of Populism

When COVID-19 hit, there were three questions on everyone’s minds: what was it, where did it come from, and how do we stop it. European Council President Charles Michel has said that the growing trend of populism is “like a virus”.
February 23, 2024

With Navalny’s Death, Putin’s Russia Enters Its Darkest Phase

On Thursday February 15, Alexei Navalny appeared via video link for a court hearing. Despite having spent three years in prison and over 300 days in solitary confinement he seemed in good spirits and elicited smiles from court officials by cracking jokes about the pay of federal judges.
January 13, 2021

How To Contain The Crisis And Reform The Polish Justice System?

The crisis in the rule of law that Poland has witnessed since 2015 must be contained as soon as possible. Any proposal to restore the rule of law must follow certain principles such as legality, proportionality and respect for fundamental rights.
November 20, 2020

Rule of Law in Poland 2020

As a member of various international and European organisations, Poland is bound by the requirement to respect the rule of law so as to effectively fulfil its commitments and ensure sincere cooperation between all member states.
September 21, 2020

Rule of Law in Poland

The presidential elections in Poland in 2020, which were won by the incumbent Andrzej Duda, the candidate of the ruling Law and Justice party, indicate that we may expect the further deterioration of the rule of law in Poland.
October 26, 2017

Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism

Throughout history, people have lived in extreme poverty. However, it is since the industrial revolution and flowering of the Enlightenment ideas – liberal in their nature – that a gigantic increase in human income happened.