
November 5, 2015

Spain’s Unemployment Problem – A Taxing Issue

One of the consequences of the Eurozone crisis has been to popularise the extremely high levels of unemployment now prevalent in Greece and Spain. With around a quarter of the active labour force out of a job, including close to 50 per cent of those 25 or younger, these two countries are indeed outliers in a continent whose average unemployment rate is itself higher than elsewhere in the world.
November 4, 2015

The Key Measure in the Greek Crisis Is Political Capital

The Greek crisis has cost taxpayers across Europe hundreds of billions of euros, compounded a huge recession which has plunged the country into vast unemployment and strangled the Greek private sector by burdening it with incredible amounts of taxation.
October 29, 2015

Poland After the Elections: The Risk of Growing State Intervention

The elections held this Sunday 25 October have brought substantial change in the makeup of the Polish parliament. After eight years in power, Civic Platform (PO) lost to the main opposition party Law and Justice (PiS), led by former Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczynski.
October 27, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air in Digital Competition Policy

Let’s say it loud and clear: There is hope for EU competition policy! After months of negative headlines and high-profile probes of the European digital sector, one was delighted to read a decidedly more forward-looking take on the approach competition regulators should have towards online platforms.
October 22, 2015

Little to Look Forward to in EU Corporation Tax

In a world where tax codes are riddled with loopholes and typically run into the thousands of pages, it should not come as a surprise that corporations would seek guidance on their potential tax liabilities prior to setting up shop in a country – and that governments would be eager to reassure investors.
October 16, 2015


This week marks the first anniversary of EPICENTER. On 14th and 15th October 2014 we launched this initiative in Brussels with a number of distinguished speakers, including European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen. That was our official birth, but the idea for an EU-focused coalition of independent free-market think tanks had been under development for much longer.