
July 12, 2024

Is The Glass Ceiling a Myth?

Women in Slovakia earn on average 16.6 per cent less than men. In the EU, the pay gap is around 12 per cent. However, this popularly quoted figure does not account for the fact that women and men work in different sectors, in different positions, and for different lengths of time.
July 8, 2024

Why European Firms Can’t Compete with SpaceX

I came across a statement that surprised me with its boldness. It claimed that in 2008, the economic strength of the eurozone was roughly at par with that of the US. Additionally, today – 16 years later – the economic strength of the US is twice as much as that of the eurozone.
June 28, 2024

Apple’s EU Dilemma: Compliance vs. Innovation

The European Commission has made the first move in the great game of digital regulation. To demonstrate that its newly established Digital Markets Act (DMA) serves a purpose, the European Commission had to sanction violators. And naturally, it decided to go after the biggest player of them all – Apple.